Do you want more comments on your posts?

I bet you’ve questioned a lot about how to get more comments on your blog post but don’t find any satisfied answer. It’s okay and doesn’t worry about it more.

I’ve compiled a list of 7 best ways to get more comments on your posts. Here is the formula that helps you how you can get more comment on blog post.

Traffic + Engagement + Emotion = Bunches of comments

According to formula, the number of comments depends on how much traffic on your blog, if you want more comment you need more traffic on the blog. How you can get more traffic on your blog you can read these article before going to ahead:

But what is your opinion about emotion and engagement?

Engagement is all about how you can get your reader attention on your blog. If your readers don’t read your article with interest, then you are not going more comments. You can make your post more interesting by giving the useful information or using real actions of writing.

The third part of the formula is emotion. Most people are too busy and don’t have enough time to make points or tell a story along valuable information, and they totally forget how to engage readers on an emotional level.

And that is their big mistake.

If you think and try to remember that all those posts that have hundreds of comments, all of them display some emotional response. The post maybe inspires to people or upsets people; the point is that it makes them feel something.

Why are Comments So Important?

  • Comment is the validation someone appreciates your work and enjoying your writing.
  • A blog doesn’t have readers contribution it is pretty empty.
  • It gives you impressions if your post is not okay.
  • Comments upsurge the word count and appraise your page with fresh content, so that’s an immense reason for deficient to get some words from your readers.

7 More Effective Ways to Get More Comments on your Post

You can increase your comments quantity by using these impressive tricks. I’m dead sure these tips must work and create dozens of comments on your post that have crossed the 100 plus comment threshold. So, let’s talk about them.

1- Write Engaging Content

Some people might not be understood it is right for comments gaining, but it is an excellent way to insist people leave comments.

It is not very straightforward and easy way to engage your audience who sit in front of an exhibition and read your content. The straightforward and easy way is that asked a lot of questions in your post and mentioned winning titles.

If you write more engaging content, the chances of getting comments on your post will be increased.

Read About: How to Make your Blog A Content Marketing Success

2- Write Related Post

Write a post that makes readers feel involved in, what you are writing or exploring. When you have success in this action, you’ll see a reaction and get feedback from your readers.

Those readers must leave a comment that is not agreed with your explanation. I see such types of post have a lot of observations. Always try to convert comments into the discussion.

Respond the comments soon and with detail.

3- Write How-To Posts, Offer Advice

I see most people get success by following this way and you can also achieve your target, so follow it. It is very simple.

You always try to write something helpful, on a topic that you’ve experience and knowledge. You write with advice offer that you’re sure it must work. You also come with a solution to a problem because people always appreciate it and also appreciate you.

This way seems to work pretty well or more than, you are thinking. So, try to appear with the attractive title and informative content.

4- Join Communities

Join Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ communities and comment exchange groups. These are communities help you to increase your comments quantity. This will happen due to this when you leave a comment on a member’s blog and they will reciprocate. It is very easy to join communities and leave the comment without spending too much time.

You just need to search the communities related to your blog and join them. Start your work without any hesitation because I’m dead sure it must work.

5- Share on Social Media

Social media sharing is the very easy way, but it has flat rate return. If you share your post on social media and ask people for comment, they comment on social media, not on your blog or post. So that’s why it has low rate return. It is not bad, but it is absolutely worth trying.

6- Ask an Easy to Answer Question

At the end of the post, you must leave a question because thought about it is a favorite closing for the lazy bloggers.

For example, what did I miss in this post? Leave it in the comment box etc.

Always try your closing points fall flat. Here is why it forced the reader to think too hard about it and finding a point missed. If your post is not already super engaged, the most reader decides it is not worth the effort.

The other best way to forced readers leaves the comment on your post is make an attractive heading and only ask for a comment. You ask such types of question:

Most of the readers who reach at the end of your post, they will feel the need to take your question into deliberation.

7- Leave Comments on your Competitors’ Blog

Commenting on other blogs is not only a good way to creating back linking but it also a best for getting comments on your post. When you comment to other bloggers, some of them will return the favor and leave a comment on your blog.

I think it is an effect way to get a comment on your website.

One important thing, if you get some attraction by reading another blog post, doesn’t waste your passion in a long comment. Put your thoughts into an article for an own blog and link back to it in a short, attractive comment on the post that inspired you.

What About You?

You may find some of these ways do not work speedily, but most of them work according to your thoughts. Take the much bits home to your blog and play around with them and find the best way.

It is not last and least always tries to reply to your comment regularly. It is not only me, but most people are love to engaging with their readers.

Now I ask you, do you’ve other practical ways to get more comments on your posts? Leave your experience in the comment box and also tell me what you think about this?