Actually, learning the all education is self-education. Although no one can teach you they just facilitate and inspire you to teach yourself. So, if you want to learn SEO yourself, you will have to take floor cover into your own hands. Alternatively, as a small or average sized business, hiring an expert of search engine optimization. Effectively managing and guiding SEO experts is equally challenging. At the time of hiring, what questions do you ask them? How were results achieved? What tactics are working? Below are the somehow to do SEO yourself tips that business owners or marketing managers must try to understand before hiring a Search engine optimization expert.

How to do SEO Yourself: Complete Guideline

1- Understand your Online Market and Clients

The major part of the SEO is the understanding of your market and target customers in the real world. Behavior and habits are different online in comparison to the offline world. An offline presence doesn’t equate to a dominant online presence. A real world national store that sells and stocks curtains and dazzled, for example, might have the much tougher business relation from the online curtain and blind wholesale.

Find online for products and services you provide and take note of the most prominent websites. Read your clients reviews and comments on social media networks and activity.

2- Master Keyword Research

LSI Keywords

The keyword research offers a rounded understanding of key phrases, search terms and also online demand for services and products. All the managers and business owners must have known how to run keyword research. I recommend free keyword research tools like SEMRush, Wordtracker, and Google keyword planner, etc. Taking the print and sticking your keyword research on a notice board as a constant reminder of your online focus.

3- Plan your Website

I’m sure, now you are expert and have full information of the most searched keywords and relevant long-tail keywords. You should have the full understanding about what pages on your site address those search quires.

Make a list on paper or generate a spreadsheet of all the top, mid, and low tier web pages and also the corresponding keyword. Every top and mid priority keyword should have a relevant page on your website. And long tail keyword you can be used in blog posts.

4- Make your Website

You are ready with an idea of good pages that should be on your website, next you build the site in your industry with the help of web developer, designer, and agency. The Google’s head of webspam “Matt Cutts” advises website owners, build great sites that readers love and want to share with their friends and visit your sites again and again. The sites constructed in 2013 should be mobile friendly or responsive for smartphone browsers. WordPress is famous for most small and mid-sized businesses because it provides flexibility, simplicity, support, inbuilt search engine optimization features and admittance to a vast library of premium and free plugins.

5- Start Blogging or Publishing Daily Content

You don’t have to kick off a blog, but start posting your content on a scheduled basis. I’m not recommending you turn your business into a publishing company by publishing content regularly. Scheduling weekly, monthly updates – monthly updates are my suggestion. But remember, content doesn’t mean to be text, for the instant, an architectural firm could post professionally taken photographs of its projects, and Real tours could upload weekly video story.

6- Build your Social Media

Social Media

Join Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and more and make your social network. It allows you to connect with your customers, readers, and publishers for the content that your posting.

7- DIY Public Social Relation

Social relation with people plays a key role in off-page SEO. You just require to know how to:

  • Tell a compelling and Establish story about your products or brands.
  • Achieve media attention.
  • Pitch not only bloggers, but also, social media influencers, and journalists.
  • Use of social networks establish your relationships with public and promote your brand too.

8- Interpret Google Analytic

You must have basic information about the Google Analytic. Understand the reports type of each Google Analytic tab covers. This information will help you to appreciate the concept of traffic and sources of traffic. As well as you read your monthly and weekly reports provided to your SEO agency.

9- Read at Least One SEO Blog

Update yourself with SEO by reading an important SEO guide blog daily. The free search engine optimization guides are Moz’s beginner’s guide to SEO, Search Engine Land’s SEO Guide, KISSMetrics Guide to SEO, and Google SEO Start Guide. More, you keep up to date with SEO changes with two video channels Moz’s Whiteboard Friday and Google Webmasters YouTube Channel.

10- Ask Questions

Anytime you need answers, and you go to SEO communities to ask questions. Google’s Webmaster Forum offers the largest community on the web. Other than that, Webmaster World Forum is also a good community. More, Moz’s Q&A Forum, SEOChat, SEO Round Table, and Search Engine Watch Forum where you can get all problems’ solutions.